The most valuable human possessions are health, harmony, happiness, wisdom, and above all character reflecting ethical and human values. When these values are manifested in your thoughts, speech and actions, you are called a noble and enlightened person. As we think sincerely and constantly we become. Our actions and behaviour reflect our ideas and feelings.
We work not for name, fame, money, power and status but for greater worth, for cultivating values, for building up strong character, for wisdom so that our intrinsic values enhances. True greatness is not measured by tangible or extrinsic values such as name fame, etc. but always greatness in life is to be pure, kind, true, selfless. Health is more important than wealth. Character is most important than money.
Human and ethical values constitute the wealth of characters. Values express dharma or divine nature as understood in the East, particularly in the Indian ethos and insight and the ideas of integrity as understood in the West.
Integrity: Integrity is wholeness, goodness, courage, and self-discipline to live by your inner truth.
Wholeness: Wholeness implies totality, soundness, perfection and completeness. In the West, spirit in Wholeness is given only a slight reference. It is nearly forgotten. In all of ours heart’s chamber lives the unworshipped God. We are not aware of the divine presence within thought the divine is constantly looking at the person. Our ego has become the pretended ruler. Ego is the false notion of our mind, because it is ignorant of the reality.
Goodness: It covers all essential values such as honesty, morality, kindness, fairness, charity, truthfulness, generosity etc. we need goodness in our thoughts, our speeches, and our actions. ‘Be Good. Do Good’ leads to purification of thoughts, talks and actions associated with good thoughts. Good things do not happen easily. You have to make them happen.
Courage: In the world of management, courage points out acts of bravery, e.g. deciding not to conceal something one knows, and needs to be expressed openly. Courage is telling the truth in the face of danger. You have the guts to go ahead, do something which is risky.
Self-discipline: Self-discipline and self-control indicates that the soul is the boss who takes control of the mind and directs the mind and the senses to move on the journey to reach the goal known to the master. When the soul, the individual consciousness, wakes up, we have self-discipline and self-control to deal with life. The quality of life will now be different. That quality of life will give you greater harmony, happiness and moderation. Please remember that we need discipline and courage together to reach our objectives in time.
Living by Inner Truth: Living by inner truth or by inner mind, which is the right instrument within us but which is not known to us unless we go within, may be regarded as the last ingredient of integrity. It is the most important of all.
Inner mind or truth communicates through faint whispers, intuitive thoughts, feeling buried deep within us. Each one of us possesses this fine instrument and has the capacity to call it forth. We need practice to tap this cache. It is rediscovery of one’s subtle but true awareness which generally lies in the secret hiding place. We must turn inwards to interact with our inner mind and live by inner truth as per its adesh or direction. The voice of inner mind can be heard only in silence.
To live by inner truth at work amounts to remain yourself incorruptible, clean and inviolable in this world, which at present is invaded by total crisis oh human and ethical values. In the business world we have kickbacks, double dealings, shady behavior and all forms of corruption and fraudulent dealings. Corruption is world-wide. Let your mind be ruled and guided by your Conscience.
Dharma is the law of right living the observance of which secures the double object of happiness in your own life and also the happiness in life of others. It stands for all those ideals, purposes, influences, institutions, and the ways of life and conduct that shapes the character and evolution of man both as an individual and as member of the society.
Dharma is the Indian Concept almost synonymous with integrity. However it has a wider scope. It includes openly spirit, righteousness (godliness) and fearlessness. Let us review these three divine elements.
Spirit: Man is the soul. He is essentially divine. Dharma directly evolves from spirit. Integrity seems to shy away from it. There is no shyness regarding spirituality in dharma. Dharma is spirit in Indian Ethos. The Western society is secularized. Indian society has a happy union between spiritualism and materialism. Although integrity honours all moral values, it gives only lips sympathy to the spirit through the notion of wholeness. Integrity defines wholeness leaving out spirit. It is the spirit which can bring out a true sense of wholeness. It is the spirit which makes us whole (Poornatva)
The inclusion of dharma is like rediscovering a vacant upstairs’ room in one’s heart chamber. The spirit, our boss, lives there. We imagine that spirit is not within us and the upper floor seems to be empty. . Indian ethos openly recognizes the spirit as our boss and declares ‘Do right, do good, and be good’ and the whole chamber of our heart shines with the Light of Consciousness.
Righteousness: Dharma demands right action. Do the right thing. In dharma, not mere action but rightness is given great emphasis.
Fearlessness: integrity means courage. Dharma stresses fearlessness. When the divine is present within you and you experience his presence, what is there that can touch you or whom you need fear when He is offering His protection to you? Even a little of His awareness will carry you through all risks and uncertainties.
Remember that the Divine Touch is enough to convert difficulties into opportunities. Of course, you should know the truth about yourself. Dharma is the inner law of one’s life. Follow your Dharma and it will protect you or stand by you. We have to comply with our own dharma. Nobody has ever violated dharma without ultimately courting disaster. Adharma ultimately brings certain irremediable fall. Each one has his/her own Dharma.
The idea of an individual’s own dharma is the insight that shines through Indian insight. The moment we are unconscious or ignore that inner law, our life is paralysed. We feel isolated. Or degeneration is sure. No wonder we feel missing and incomplete. Dharma is ethics and spiritualism combined.
The mental contents of a good person are called moral and ethical values. This is also called Daivi sampati or divine qualities. Values are also called gunas. Some of the values are:
Purity of mind and heart
Integration of thought, action and behavior
A manager/worker with these values can mobilize his energies as well as of those around him and canalize in to productive purposes to accomplish greater tasks.
The proof of sincerity and seriousness is a strong emphasis on integrity of character in a job. A man might have too little knowledge, perform poorly, lack judgement or analytical ability and yet may not do much harm. But a man who lacks character and integrity may cause much greater harm.
E.g. A salesman who does not possess good communication/ negotiating skills may at the most cause low sales. But a salesman who makes tall claims, false promises with regards to the product will cause disrepute the organization; which will be fatal to the company in the long run.
Our effectiveness at work depends on our moral and ethical values. These human values support established business values such as service, communication, excellence, credibility, and innovation etc. these human values help self-development. Even the managerial functions of direction, control, supervision etc become much easier, thus leading to goodwill and harmony in the organization.
We need to look at success with a holistic view. Outer fulfillment must be combined with inner fulfillment. Inner fulfillment relates to our spiritual, mental and emotional enrichment. While the outer achievement concerns meeting set targets, using your talents to the fullest extent etc.
One would be very pleased at being appointed as the CEO or MD of a company but if you cannot spare time for your family or can’t enjoy a peaceful Sunday with your kids then your success is not complete.
Earlier, the business community and society at large neglected ethics. But over the years people have realized its importance for the welfare of an organization.
The golden rules, which find its mention in the Bible, are:
Everything you want others to do to you, you shall do to others.
Do not do to others that which you do not wish them to do to you.
Do not do anything that if done to you, would cause harm to you.
In a nutshell, treat others, as you would like to be treated. So if you do not want to be spoken to rudely then you must not speak rudely. So if don’t want to use flawed goods you must also refrain from adulteration.
Values help us to ‘become’ while we need skills to ‘do’.
Values act as a base for the skills and hence preceed skills in their importance.
Values are internal –deal with purity of mind and soul. While skills are external – deal with functioning well at job.
Values bring about universal good (software aspect). Skills bring about achievement of tasks (hardware aspect).
Values are enduring and do not change with time. But skills have to be updated regularly and change with passage of time.
E.g. Excellent service to the customer may be a value of the company. Personal visits may be the method used by the company. With the advent of technology, the company may use personalized e-mails etc. here the skill is changing but the service orientation (value) remains constant.
The modern world has brought about many developments at the workplace. This has lead to a lot of comforts, luxuries and money in the hands of people. But it has also lead to moral, ethical and spiritual degeneration.
Enterprises worldwide have been disregarding the importance of values. Cheating, corruption and malpractices are rampant in the companies. Fortunately we are gradually awakening to redeem ourselves. More and more corporate are awakening to the fact that it is not necessary to indulge in malpractices to make money. Illustrious men like Narayan Murthy are setting examples that ethical management practices can yield results. Infact, even today when we think of great people like Jamshedji Tata we do not associate him only with his steel plant but the entire township of Jamshednagar and the various Tata hospitals.
Values and ethics must be an integral part of management and work culture. We have created unwanted stress and unrest in the society. An organization that cares for its people cannot ignore such unhealthy developments and must take steps to see to it that our value system is in place.
People constitute the greatest dynamic inputs in any organization. They are the center and must be regarded as the vital and integral part of organization. Every individual is the representation of a divine essence. People should be developed not only in skills but also in moral, ethical and spiritual values. Morality and rationality are combined at the same time in HRD.
We work not for name, fame, money, power and status but for greater worth, for cultivating values, for building up strong character, for wisdom so that our intrinsic values enhances. True greatness is not measured by tangible or extrinsic values such as name fame, etc. but always greatness in life is to be pure, kind, true, selfless. Health is more important than wealth. Character is most important than money.
Human and ethical values constitute the wealth of characters. Values express dharma or divine nature as understood in the East, particularly in the Indian ethos and insight and the ideas of integrity as understood in the West.
Integrity: Integrity is wholeness, goodness, courage, and self-discipline to live by your inner truth.
Wholeness: Wholeness implies totality, soundness, perfection and completeness. In the West, spirit in Wholeness is given only a slight reference. It is nearly forgotten. In all of ours heart’s chamber lives the unworshipped God. We are not aware of the divine presence within thought the divine is constantly looking at the person. Our ego has become the pretended ruler. Ego is the false notion of our mind, because it is ignorant of the reality.
Goodness: It covers all essential values such as honesty, morality, kindness, fairness, charity, truthfulness, generosity etc. we need goodness in our thoughts, our speeches, and our actions. ‘Be Good. Do Good’ leads to purification of thoughts, talks and actions associated with good thoughts. Good things do not happen easily. You have to make them happen.
Courage: In the world of management, courage points out acts of bravery, e.g. deciding not to conceal something one knows, and needs to be expressed openly. Courage is telling the truth in the face of danger. You have the guts to go ahead, do something which is risky.
Self-discipline: Self-discipline and self-control indicates that the soul is the boss who takes control of the mind and directs the mind and the senses to move on the journey to reach the goal known to the master. When the soul, the individual consciousness, wakes up, we have self-discipline and self-control to deal with life. The quality of life will now be different. That quality of life will give you greater harmony, happiness and moderation. Please remember that we need discipline and courage together to reach our objectives in time.
Living by Inner Truth: Living by inner truth or by inner mind, which is the right instrument within us but which is not known to us unless we go within, may be regarded as the last ingredient of integrity. It is the most important of all.
Inner mind or truth communicates through faint whispers, intuitive thoughts, feeling buried deep within us. Each one of us possesses this fine instrument and has the capacity to call it forth. We need practice to tap this cache. It is rediscovery of one’s subtle but true awareness which generally lies in the secret hiding place. We must turn inwards to interact with our inner mind and live by inner truth as per its adesh or direction. The voice of inner mind can be heard only in silence.
To live by inner truth at work amounts to remain yourself incorruptible, clean and inviolable in this world, which at present is invaded by total crisis oh human and ethical values. In the business world we have kickbacks, double dealings, shady behavior and all forms of corruption and fraudulent dealings. Corruption is world-wide. Let your mind be ruled and guided by your Conscience.
Dharma is the law of right living the observance of which secures the double object of happiness in your own life and also the happiness in life of others. It stands for all those ideals, purposes, influences, institutions, and the ways of life and conduct that shapes the character and evolution of man both as an individual and as member of the society.
Dharma is the Indian Concept almost synonymous with integrity. However it has a wider scope. It includes openly spirit, righteousness (godliness) and fearlessness. Let us review these three divine elements.
Spirit: Man is the soul. He is essentially divine. Dharma directly evolves from spirit. Integrity seems to shy away from it. There is no shyness regarding spirituality in dharma. Dharma is spirit in Indian Ethos. The Western society is secularized. Indian society has a happy union between spiritualism and materialism. Although integrity honours all moral values, it gives only lips sympathy to the spirit through the notion of wholeness. Integrity defines wholeness leaving out spirit. It is the spirit which can bring out a true sense of wholeness. It is the spirit which makes us whole (Poornatva)
The inclusion of dharma is like rediscovering a vacant upstairs’ room in one’s heart chamber. The spirit, our boss, lives there. We imagine that spirit is not within us and the upper floor seems to be empty. . Indian ethos openly recognizes the spirit as our boss and declares ‘Do right, do good, and be good’ and the whole chamber of our heart shines with the Light of Consciousness.
Righteousness: Dharma demands right action. Do the right thing. In dharma, not mere action but rightness is given great emphasis.
Fearlessness: integrity means courage. Dharma stresses fearlessness. When the divine is present within you and you experience his presence, what is there that can touch you or whom you need fear when He is offering His protection to you? Even a little of His awareness will carry you through all risks and uncertainties.
Remember that the Divine Touch is enough to convert difficulties into opportunities. Of course, you should know the truth about yourself. Dharma is the inner law of one’s life. Follow your Dharma and it will protect you or stand by you. We have to comply with our own dharma. Nobody has ever violated dharma without ultimately courting disaster. Adharma ultimately brings certain irremediable fall. Each one has his/her own Dharma.
The idea of an individual’s own dharma is the insight that shines through Indian insight. The moment we are unconscious or ignore that inner law, our life is paralysed. We feel isolated. Or degeneration is sure. No wonder we feel missing and incomplete. Dharma is ethics and spiritualism combined.
The mental contents of a good person are called moral and ethical values. This is also called Daivi sampati or divine qualities. Values are also called gunas. Some of the values are:
Purity of mind and heart
Integration of thought, action and behavior
A manager/worker with these values can mobilize his energies as well as of those around him and canalize in to productive purposes to accomplish greater tasks.
The proof of sincerity and seriousness is a strong emphasis on integrity of character in a job. A man might have too little knowledge, perform poorly, lack judgement or analytical ability and yet may not do much harm. But a man who lacks character and integrity may cause much greater harm.
E.g. A salesman who does not possess good communication/ negotiating skills may at the most cause low sales. But a salesman who makes tall claims, false promises with regards to the product will cause disrepute the organization; which will be fatal to the company in the long run.
Our effectiveness at work depends on our moral and ethical values. These human values support established business values such as service, communication, excellence, credibility, and innovation etc. these human values help self-development. Even the managerial functions of direction, control, supervision etc become much easier, thus leading to goodwill and harmony in the organization.
We need to look at success with a holistic view. Outer fulfillment must be combined with inner fulfillment. Inner fulfillment relates to our spiritual, mental and emotional enrichment. While the outer achievement concerns meeting set targets, using your talents to the fullest extent etc.
One would be very pleased at being appointed as the CEO or MD of a company but if you cannot spare time for your family or can’t enjoy a peaceful Sunday with your kids then your success is not complete.
Earlier, the business community and society at large neglected ethics. But over the years people have realized its importance for the welfare of an organization.
The golden rules, which find its mention in the Bible, are:
Everything you want others to do to you, you shall do to others.
Do not do to others that which you do not wish them to do to you.
Do not do anything that if done to you, would cause harm to you.
In a nutshell, treat others, as you would like to be treated. So if you do not want to be spoken to rudely then you must not speak rudely. So if don’t want to use flawed goods you must also refrain from adulteration.
Values help us to ‘become’ while we need skills to ‘do’.
Values act as a base for the skills and hence preceed skills in their importance.
Values are internal –deal with purity of mind and soul. While skills are external – deal with functioning well at job.
Values bring about universal good (software aspect). Skills bring about achievement of tasks (hardware aspect).
Values are enduring and do not change with time. But skills have to be updated regularly and change with passage of time.
E.g. Excellent service to the customer may be a value of the company. Personal visits may be the method used by the company. With the advent of technology, the company may use personalized e-mails etc. here the skill is changing but the service orientation (value) remains constant.
The modern world has brought about many developments at the workplace. This has lead to a lot of comforts, luxuries and money in the hands of people. But it has also lead to moral, ethical and spiritual degeneration.
Enterprises worldwide have been disregarding the importance of values. Cheating, corruption and malpractices are rampant in the companies. Fortunately we are gradually awakening to redeem ourselves. More and more corporate are awakening to the fact that it is not necessary to indulge in malpractices to make money. Illustrious men like Narayan Murthy are setting examples that ethical management practices can yield results. Infact, even today when we think of great people like Jamshedji Tata we do not associate him only with his steel plant but the entire township of Jamshednagar and the various Tata hospitals.
Values and ethics must be an integral part of management and work culture. We have created unwanted stress and unrest in the society. An organization that cares for its people cannot ignore such unhealthy developments and must take steps to see to it that our value system is in place.
People constitute the greatest dynamic inputs in any organization. They are the center and must be regarded as the vital and integral part of organization. Every individual is the representation of a divine essence. People should be developed not only in skills but also in moral, ethical and spiritual values. Morality and rationality are combined at the same time in HRD.