Are women dominant

but i say womens are dominant. As you said she can take decision much quickly than a man and in my point of view that is the plus point what make women incredible
Depends whether god was kind enough for you or not :P
Jokes apart not its myth i have found some of my best support for women all over my life be it my mother to my ex girlfriend or best friend :) they are quite cooperative if you can listen :)
Women are now the dominant gender %u2013 for the first time, females make for over 50%u0025 of the work force,Dominant women are the loose female equivalent of the Needy Alpha. These gals are strong and bossy. They also tend to be bitchy, but not always. As soon as she gets into a relationship with a man she starts issuing orders, standards, rules, and parameters, and she expects the guy to follow these to the letter.
Women are dominant only in environment lacking of strong men. I was canoeying once with a bunch of strangers with families and it was obvious who is strong male and who isn't. If crew experienced any problems en route, you could immediately see who is in charge :) If you want to make a test with your partner take him or her on such a trip. Lots of fun!
From my experience in many cases women fight over a position amongst other women. I don't think they are so dominant when it comes to relations with men. It's more like they want to look stronger and smarter than other women in men's eyes. :)
IMO it boils down to upbringing => culture => education => society => global media exposure

not all women are the same otherwise the topic of this thread becomes sexist etc, "are men lustful"

I believe Still in society 70 to 80% cases Men are mire dominant . But as our Society changing the Percentage of Women being dominant is increasing.
Over the next few months, Balakrishnan—with declared assets worth some Rs190 crore ($30 million)—got to work on his campaign in the Bangalore Central constituency for the Lok Sabha polls. He was among the most high-profile AAP candidates in the city, and coordinated party chief Arvind Kejriwal’s fund-raising dinner in Bangalore, among other things. Still, Bala, as he’s more popularly known, lost by a wide margin to the Bharatiya Janata Party’s P. C. Mohan.
A year later, Balakrishnan is now putting together over $150 million (Rs954 crore) in private equity (PE) investments to pump into startups in India and elsewhere.
The next $100 billion
Women are dominant when they are in the situation that threat their position or even emotional situation that resulting the dominant behavior.