Are women dominant


New member
If people say that women are dominant i will say they arent.. it is just that they are smart enough to take quick decisions before men and hence may be men feel they are dominant

what do you guys and girls feel...:SugarwareZ-257:
Ofcourse women never dominate. And even if they do, its just bcoz they are very caring and they think for their family unlike men are. lol
i feel that in some or the other way women are very much Dominant in nature..coz they by hook or crook modifies the decision and put it in their own way.. which they feel are right.. then force themselves to accept that they were right.. :P :D
eheheh we dont force you all to accept decesions ... its you who say that they are defeated and dont have confidence to implement their decisions ....hence we need to take a stand are living in a women's world
Woman never dominate they are the angels on earth its the situation at times that they become dominating. I feel the surrounding makes them dominating.
@abhi, if men donno how to take decisions, thn women would modify it.
we neither dominate nor force, its just that u guys dont understand our value. lol
eheheh we dont force you all to accept decesions ... its you who say that they are defeated and dont have confidence to implement their decisions ....hence we need to take a stand are living in a women's world

We try to stops the argument by thinking that it should not turn in fight and you thinks that we have stopped because we thinks that we are wrong.. and second thing about women is that they not always use the hard way to put their decision, they most of the times make use of their being women and talking ability and attractiveness to make others decision their owns...

Ofcourse women never dominate. And even if they do, its just bcoz they are very caring and they think for their family unlike men are. lol

thats what i am trying to say, they name their Dominance as "Care"
They dominate in a such subtle ways that you would do what they want you to do, that you still will feel it was your decision and are made to feel guilty about it as well.

Thats women for you :)
I think dominance has got nothing to do with one's being male or female .. either one can be dominant .. depends how one's character has been moulded
you should always remember that you live in womens world and remember

agar hum hai to tum ho and agar ham nahi to tum bhi nahi
Even if women care, men say you are too over protective.. give me space.. and if women don't care, men feel they are neglected. lol
I still feel that Woman dominate because they know the whole family dependent on them as rightly said Parvathy
Are women dominant ? Well I believe the question in itself is very very abstract.
Well, I believe whatever side we may favor regarding dominance, it is just going to reflect our perspective towards that particular gender, but, would not reflect anything about dominance itself. I believe that its about a human being to be dominant and can not be genaralised for male or female. I do agree that women are caring in general but then again, its not entirely true, though it holds great odds. Similarly to say that men are not caring and do not care for their family, would be entirely wrong, if someone says so, well, may be he/she needs to meet right people and have more experience in life.
Personally, I believe dominance is a characteristic which may be held by men or women with equal odds, can't vote for one.
patriarchal society, we live in,never allows women to be at par with men let alone be dominant.there has been lot of positive changes in the last decade or so in giving women more liberity but basically women are suppressed a lot whether it's in the professional world or their personal life,so over the years,women have learned to be submissive and that's where my opinion stands.
Women are not particularly more dominant than men. They are just a little more intuitive than men in general and so they don't have a problem sticking to their conviction.