Word A Day


Par 100 posts (V.I.P)
<p><br></p><br>Guys,<br> We all know the importance of Vocab in all entrance tests and in our daily life... why dont we learn it in a funnier way..<br> We ll post a Word a Day and the next member ll reply its meaning and becomes eligible to post the Next Word... so, lets start:<b> </b><br> <b>Sadomasochism </b> <img src="http://www.managementparadise.com/forums/images/smilies/SugarwareZ-260.gif" alt="" title="SugarwareZ 260" smilieid="498" class="inlineimg" border="0">
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the wrd exactly is sado-masochism which means - is the enjoyment of hurtin people nd being hurt..<br>
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praxis means -

Practice, as distinguished from theory; application or use, as of knowledge or skills.

the next word is oppugn
sycopant means some1 whom u disapprove becoz they flatter people who r more important nd powrful than they r in ordr to gain an advamtage for themselves
Whoever was handling this thread, please continue doing this work, as this really is a very practical and very useful way of learning. We can learn more words through this. Moreover, I suggest that we should also incorporate the usage of the word in the sentence as well. This is the actual way of remembering the word, otherwise what is the use of knowing the meaning of the word if we are going to use it in a wrong way ? It is as good as incorrect. So, please restart the thread and also implement the idea I gave. (if possible).
@Ayush, be the change you want others to be :-) ..

Keep the thread rolling with your participation and you can start such initiatives yourself !
LOL very funny Batrachophagous Meaning Feeding on frogs.

Now check it Batoidei


the division of fishes which includes the rays and skates,
hey i read about new kind of fish while searching about this Word..Guitarfish :)


New word is Agelast :)

i m sure this one will make you laugh.. :) :P
Meaning of lethargic (adjective)
lazy; passive; listless

Feeling very lethargic, he watched television or slept the whole day.
Meaning of lethargic (adjective)
lazy; passive; listless

Feeling very lethargic, he watched television or slept the whole day.

Dimpy please read first post of the Thread, you will have answer what does the Word means posted in last post of thread and then give a word for others to guess its meaning..

please do not break the Flow :)