which is the best email service provider?


New member
I think yahoo is still the best service provider with the lot of innovations in it now a days and the security of the mail is very good which one can not experience in gmail or for that matter in any other service providers


New member
of course its gmail....and its the best.The ease of use, ability to send and receive huge files is a definite plus and the thread-like appearance showing us the entire history of a conversation is just great


Par 100 posts (V.I.P)
Gmail still rocks.....but the latest add -on Buzz does not meet the expectation.....Buzz had actually created a great Buzz but didnt stay up to the mark.
Hardly few user use buzz


New member
In my opinion its the Gmail. So much features and they keep innovating and improving to give its users always a pleasant surprises.
I think, as of now, Gmail is the best in market.... It is user friendly, fast in terms of uploading and downloading....N plenty of features that make it innovative!


New member
Gmail is anytime better than other email providers.... yahoo is full of spam n advertisement......need to actually find what exact is the email in yahoo among so many ads...