The Spiritual Implications

Well, I just thought a little about the spiritual implications of the whole Paris Hilton phenomenon, and I came up with this:

Paris Hilton seems to believe -- more or less subconsciously -- that most people in the world hate her.

Seth explicitly mentioned once that you shouldn't believe that. The reason is, that every thought or belief someone has, contributes to the construction of events in their life.

And in Paris' case, it seems that the other people involved are only happy to help her to manifest her belief (that almost everyone hates her).

Yesterday, I watched a recording of Hilton on Letterman's show from last year, and Letterman seemed to behave unnormally (is it just me? I thought that wasn't normal). So, was he switching (unconsciously) to a mode that would fulfill her inner belief system? Whatever. (It's a TV show, and perhaps it was all staged anyway, or I just didn't get his sarcasm)

In my own life, I had a similar phase when I thought that everyone thought I was stupid, and it manifested just like that. As soon as I changed my own belief system, all of that vanished


Our beliefs are going to be from our culture religion etc kind of stuff and how we are brought up from childhood....not all people will have same views on a single for example when some great artists make an art of mixed expressions, only few people will be able to identify all those and some will identify nly some of them so the views and beliefs are not going to be safe for everyone at all situtations
Individual preferences also influence how funeral processions are carried out. While many organized religious practices recommend a formal funeral and burial follow initial mourning ceremonies, some people prefer to be cremated instead of buried. Other people find it helpful to make up their own personal traditions and rituals, so that they honor shared values of the lost person and the survivors.
Paris Hilton's trouble are self produced for the most part. It seems as if she has no parental or other guidance - she has made a total joke of herself, and if she ends up in self-loathing, she needs to get a hold of the situation and fix it. It can be done.