Online GD

yes sometimes i faced the situation that in GD very difficult moment comes and it is also very difficult to handle it.May be it also difficult for management students also.
really I heard this concept first time about online GD and think this is the also another way of improving yourself in communication. Only disadvantage in online GD is the face to face communication or fear of communication is not remove.
I have been following alisha savla thread on "Tips for GD PIs" and I hope you have been visiting that page too.
While such tips go a long way in improving how we handle GDs, I also wanted an 'Online' discussion on GDs which allows me to practice thinking on a topic and putting forward my opinion constructively.
GD is the best way to achieve success in any term thanks for the nice views and such a valuable information :SugarwareZ-140::SugarwareZ-078: