Frank Brake Scholarships 2016 - London South Bank University


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<h2>Frank Brake Scholarships 2016 announced by London South Bank University</h2>

London South Bank University (LSBU), UK announced Frank Brake Scholarships 2016 for students pursuing Master of Science (M.Sc) in Food Safety & Control program.

Scholarship Details:
# Number of Scholarships: 3
# Value: £4,000 (or £500 less than the course fees, whichever is the lower)​

Eligibility Criteria:
Scholarship applications will only be accepted from students with the following:
B]# [/B]An LSBU offer (conditional or unconditional) of a place on MSc Food Safety & Control
# Proof of academic excellence. Qualifications obtained outside the UK will be assessed for equivalency using NARIC
# Evidence of having commitment to their future career and previous practical or academic achievement​

Selection Procedure:
# Scholarships are awarded primarily on academic merit and evidence of applicants' commitment to their future career and their previous practical or academic achievement. Selection is made by a scholarship panel.

Important Dates:
# Application deadline: Monday, January 04, 2016.

For more information on college and courses, please visit ~ Frank Brake Scholarships 2016 - London South Bank University