Features of a Co-operative
1. Voluntary Membership: Membership is voluntary, which means that no one can be forced or compelled to become its member. The membership is open to all and any member can leave at his/her own wish.
2. Democratic Management: Co-operatives societies are managed on democratic principles i.e. every member is entitled with the rights to participate in the working and affairs of a concern, to express his/her views about the working of the concern, to vote at the meetings and to share in the benefits arising from the operations of the co-operative.
3. Achievement of the desired goals: The formation of a co-operative is to achieve certain desired goals & objectives which could be economic, political or social. Through co-operatives people can increase their income and employment opportunities are created, leading to an improvement in the economic conditions of the people. Also, resources of an individual member can be utilized in a better way.
4. Self-Help & Mutual Help: A co-operative movement is undertaken with the purpose of helping oneself, thus, teaching the members to ‘self-help’ and to not depend on others i.e. to be self-dependent. It also teaches people the significance of mutual help. Individuals must help themselves. But, society also demands that the individual should help other fellow members of the society.
5. General Good of the Society: Being a member of a co-operative, the people attempt to promote the general good of the society. The movement teaches a philosophy of sacrifice. If people are ready to compromise and sort out differences amicably with one another, then there would not be any conflicts or disputes between the populae and this, there would be peace and happiness in the society.
6. Association of Persons: A co-operative is an association of persons and not of capital as in a limited company. In a co-operative society, people are given more importance as compared to any limited company, irrespective of the capital employed. In other words, a co-operative society is not ‘money-oriented’, but it is in fact, ‘welfare-oriented’.
7. An Enterprise: It is an enterprise not a charitable organization. The cost & the gains are shared between the members, unlike an N.G.O. which works for charity. A nominal amount is charged for the services provided by the co-operative society to the people.
8. Main objective is service at economic cost, not profit: One of the most important objectives of a co-operative is the service to the people in many ways. One of those many ways is by supplying certain goods and services which poor people can’t afford and are unable to buy.
9. Socio-economic movement through peaceful means: Co-operatives hold peaceful movements against unjust practices of people like black marketers, money-lenders, provision store-keepers, who are deceitful and try to exploit the poor people by charging high premiums on basic goods and services.
1. Voluntary Membership: Membership is voluntary, which means that no one can be forced or compelled to become its member. The membership is open to all and any member can leave at his/her own wish.
2. Democratic Management: Co-operatives societies are managed on democratic principles i.e. every member is entitled with the rights to participate in the working and affairs of a concern, to express his/her views about the working of the concern, to vote at the meetings and to share in the benefits arising from the operations of the co-operative.
3. Achievement of the desired goals: The formation of a co-operative is to achieve certain desired goals & objectives which could be economic, political or social. Through co-operatives people can increase their income and employment opportunities are created, leading to an improvement in the economic conditions of the people. Also, resources of an individual member can be utilized in a better way.
4. Self-Help & Mutual Help: A co-operative movement is undertaken with the purpose of helping oneself, thus, teaching the members to ‘self-help’ and to not depend on others i.e. to be self-dependent. It also teaches people the significance of mutual help. Individuals must help themselves. But, society also demands that the individual should help other fellow members of the society.
5. General Good of the Society: Being a member of a co-operative, the people attempt to promote the general good of the society. The movement teaches a philosophy of sacrifice. If people are ready to compromise and sort out differences amicably with one another, then there would not be any conflicts or disputes between the populae and this, there would be peace and happiness in the society.
6. Association of Persons: A co-operative is an association of persons and not of capital as in a limited company. In a co-operative society, people are given more importance as compared to any limited company, irrespective of the capital employed. In other words, a co-operative society is not ‘money-oriented’, but it is in fact, ‘welfare-oriented’.
7. An Enterprise: It is an enterprise not a charitable organization. The cost & the gains are shared between the members, unlike an N.G.O. which works for charity. A nominal amount is charged for the services provided by the co-operative society to the people.
8. Main objective is service at economic cost, not profit: One of the most important objectives of a co-operative is the service to the people in many ways. One of those many ways is by supplying certain goods and services which poor people can’t afford and are unable to buy.
9. Socio-economic movement through peaceful means: Co-operatives hold peaceful movements against unjust practices of people like black marketers, money-lenders, provision store-keepers, who are deceitful and try to exploit the poor people by charging high premiums on basic goods and services.