Market size and growth
The per capita consumption of tobacco in India is 0.7 kg, compared to the world average of 1.85 kg. Domestic tobacco consumption has been growing at 2-3% pa.
Out of the 250 million tobacco consumers in India, less than 20% consume it in cigarette form, while over 50%...
agricultural exports
bidis are manufactured
cigarettes sector
competitor analysis
consumers in india
consumption of tobacco
domestic tobacco
godfrey phillips
lakson tobacco
major players
mall scale sector
phillips india
political support
project on tobacco
tobacco consumption
tobacco industry
usage of bidis
vst industries limited
The demand for bearing industry is derived from demand in two key user segments - automobile and industrial sector growth. The automobile industry is the largest growth driver for OEM market as it accounts for almost 45% of total bearing market.
Engineering sector, which accounts for 28% of...