
  1. R

    Functions Of Sebi

    Hi everybody. I have to learn about Functions Of Sebi. I have searched the web and found some information on this topic that I will be sharing here soon. In the meanwhile, can any of you tell me more about what I should read up on Functions Of Sebi? Please share resources and links which point...
  2. R

    Functions Of Cooperative Bank

    Hi everybody. I have to learn about Functions Of Cooperative Bank. I have searched the web and found some information on this topic that I will be sharing here soon. In the meanwhile, can any of you tell me more about what I should read up on Functions Of Cooperative Bank? Please share resources...
  3. R

    Functions Of Co Operative

    Hi everybody. I have to learn about Functions Of Co Operative. I have searched the web and found some information on this topic that I will be sharing here soon. In the meanwhile, can any of you tell me more about what I should read up on Functions Of Co Operative? Please share resources and...
  4. N

    Objectives and Functions of Sales Management

    Hello Friends, I need the essay type answers of the following Q's as soon as possible. 1. Objectives and Functions of Sales Management 2. Importance and Functions of Distribution Management. Thanks, N. Rawat
  5. S

    What are the Functions of Management?

    Hi all, i want Functions of Management with explanation. Anyone have Functions of Management like to Share with me?
  6. J

    Functions of cooperative bank

    Functions of cooperative bank : The major functions of a cooperative bank are : Mobilization of funds from their members Advance loans to the members When you look at cooperative banks in India, you realize that they play a very important role even today in rural financing. A sharp...
  7. K

    MS1 - Management Functions and Behaviour Dec09

    Hello Friend's I am Searching for MS1 - Management Functions and Behaviour Dec09 Question Paper.
  8. J

    Need Help for functions of management

    Hello Guys I am looking for functions of management. can anyone like to Share some information on management?
  9. J

    What are the Functions of Foreign Exchange Market?

    Searching for Functions of foreign Exchange Market with Examples.
  10. K

    Need Help !! Managerial Functions of HRM

    Looking for an Information on Managerial Functions of HRM
  11. M

    Looking for MIS Structure based on Organizational Functions.

    I want information on MIS structure based on Organizational functions..
  12. K

    How Culture functions Promote the Survival of a firm

    How Culture functions Promote the Survival of a firm by Influencing its External and Internal Behaviour.
  13. D

    Functions of Internal Representation

    Functions of Internal Representation 1. To fix the perception as memory. 2. To transform what is perceived according to the needs of the consciousness.14 3. To translate internal impulses into perceptible level
  14. D

    Functions of external representaion

    Functions of External Representation 1. To abstract the essential to give order. (symbol). 2. To express abstractions as conventions in order to operate in the world (sign). 3. To make concrete that which is abstract in order to remember it (allegory).
  15. D

    What are the basic functions of an operating system?

    What are the basic functions of an operating system? Operating system controls and coordinates the use of the hardware among the various applications programs for various uses. Operating system acts as resource allocator and manager. Since there are many possibly conflicting requests for...
  16. K

    Excel Functions

    Any pdf or document on various excel functions ?
  17. S

    MBA- Management Functions and Behaviour (MS-01) Papers

    hey friends uploading MBA- Management Functions and Behaviour (MS-01) Papers :hail:
  18. S

    STEPS of HR PROCESS and other FUNCTIONS in Metro

    STEPS of HR PROCESS and other FUNCTIONS in Metro for more details check out the attachment thanks :SugarwareZ-095:
  19. S

    IGNOU MBA Management Functions And Behaviour Papers

    hello friends attachment in the thread IGNOU MBA Management Functions And Behaviour Papers
  20. A


    My dissertation topics is " A STUDY ON MANAGING LOGISTICS FUNCTIONS FOR BLUEDART" can some one help me to do this. i need 16,000 words for my dissertation.