
  1. D

    Rs 4,000 Crore Plant setup in Gujarat by Honda

    <h2>Rs 4,000 Crore Plant setup in Gujarat by Honda</h2> After Tata Motors, Ford India and Maruti Suzuki, Japanese big auto Honda is crawling towards setting up its new plant in Gujarat. The Indian auxiliary of Japan-based auto producer is all situated to consent to a state support agreement...
  2. M

    Should the Government Set-up More IITs and IIMs, OR should it be use the Money for Pr

    DEAR, Friend I would like to ask you all a simple question what you will do if you have crores of rupee but you don't have any market to invest or expend. And the second scenario you don't have one rupee and your expenditure is rs 100. In the same way increasing either number of iit, iim or...
  3. Z

    Radio station setup and marketing

    guess could help ya..a project on radio station set up and marketing. i am uploading sumthing for fist tie let me know if i can improve on that or any tips for me.
  4. V

    Proof Setup

    This is more ideas on colour prrofing.... Remember , its always better to have a proof check up (sample Test)before the final printing as well as Whatever you print , there is always a 20% colour distortion on the same
  5. G

    Can you find your lost Mobile Hanset in the current telecom setup

    Number System/Arrangement in GSM Network A number system is required in a GSM network to trace any subscriber in the network also for: Billing Privacy Call History To chase Fraudulent subscribers (if any) The arrangement consists of the following seven terms: 1. IMSI – International...
  6. M

    US Tech Solutions_Sr. Account Managers-US Staffing_New Setup, 5-10 years exp, Bengalu

    US Tech Solutions, Inc - Sr. people from US Satffing industry, ready to work as an individual contributor and want to join the brand name.We are opening a new center in Chennai Bangalore and looking for Sr. Account Managers, - Core responsibility is to...
  7. D

    project on how to setup a small manufacturing unit in a rural area

    hii guys i need a 100 marks project on how to seup a small manufacturing unit in a rural area.any help will b appreciated
  8. bhavin_3

    Mssi Setup Format.!!

    A procedural format on setting up an SSI.. Selection of a product 1.)Import Restictions 2.)Entrepreneur’s Experience 3.)Profitability 4.)Govt. Concession 5.)Priority Sector Industries 6.)Existence of Export Market 7.)Licensed or De-licensed 8.)Free Trade Zone/ Backward Area 9.)Ancilliary...